

This WebQuest will help you better understand what life was like in colonial America. You will work in your groups to gather information about life during colonial times from the perspectives of slaves, artisans, farmers, women, and children.

To begin, each group member will be given roles from the five choices: Slaves, Artisans, Farmers, Women, or Children. As an individual, you will investigate 18th century colonial America from the viewpoint of your group's characters.

You will access the links below to provide the information you will use to develop the identity of your character. You will use the Role Development Worksheet (PDF) to organize your groups research.

Group Roles

Use the Role Development Worksheet (PDF) to guide you in developing your character. Explore the following sites for your role:






Other Useful Websites

The following links will give you an overview of the general characteristics of the colonies.

The Play

When your character is fully alive on paper, your group will create a play to share with your classmates. Your roles should be creatively and factual presented.  

Use the Story Map Graphic Organizer (PDF) to brainstorm story ideas. When the group has come to an agreement write out your parts and practice your roles. Using the Organizer your group will write a script using Microsoft Word on Wednesday and Thursday. When the script is finished, we will print them out to use for practice.

On Friday, your group will make props, choose costumes, and practice your play.

Your group will perform the play for the class on Monday. Use the rubrics provided on the Evaluation Page to guide your creativity. You can make props and we will have costumes for you to use.

Mrs. Stutler and I will video tape your performances, so make sure they are GREAT!